It’s nice to meet you!

Hi, I’m Amy and I’m all about making yoga accessible, friendly and individualised. I strongly believe that it's not about how you look in the posture, rather it’s about how it feels for you and what benefit you gain from it. My approach is friendly and down-to-earth, and while I like to keep things refreshing and uncomplicated, I also love offering safe and beneficial challenges. I bring to each class a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere where everyone is welcome, valued and respected.

On a more personal note my own pregnancy and birth experiences have guided me on my path. I’ve experienced the amazing, the good and the oh so very bad. Every experience is a seed of opportunity, a chance to learn and grow, and that has been my guiding force and why I am here providing these services. I am passionate about perinatal health and helping parents to achieve calm and positive birth experiences. I am a qualified yoga teacher specialising in guiding pregnant and post-natal women. I have extensive knowledge of the physiology of the pregnant body and will work with you to create a healthy body and mindset for your pregnancy, labour and your journey into parenthood.

My goal is to empower women and their support persons to make educated decisions that serve them and their babies. It’s not about having a textbook perfect pregnancy and birth, it's about working with where you are at and making decisions that are right for YOU.

On an even more personal note, I am a mum of three and am a local to Brighton. One of my favourite things to do is to ride along the foreshore in my dutch cargo bike and explore all of the playgrounds with my children. I am also extremely fond of daggy dancing, rollerskating, herbal tea and sleeping in (the latter never happens……sad face).

I look forward to meeting you soon! 


  • 350hr Yoga Teacher - My Health Yoga

  • Pregnancy Yoga Teacher - Bliss Baby Yoga

  • Post-Natal Yoga Teacher - Bliss Baby Yoga

  • Yoga for Fertility Teacher - Bliss Baby Yoga

  • Childbirth Educator - Hypnobirthing Australia

  • Level 2 Pellowah Practitioner 

  • Level 3 Reiki Master

  • Bush Flower Essences Practitioner - Australia Bush Flower Essences